Sunday, November 25, 2007

CNN report on November UFO Conference

Witness statements from the conference can be found at UFO Evidence.

1 comment:

Nick said...

Great post, I see even semi-reliable news agencies like CNN are jumping on the ufo phenomena bandwagon...

The more we get the news out there, the less really relibale witnesses will feel threatned or embarrassed about reporting what they've seen...

As a private pilot for many years myself, I have seen many strange things in the sky, including one with my flight instructor sitting right there in the co-pilots seat...

His reaction?

Deny eveerhtiny if you plan to keep on flying...The FAA frowns on these sorts of reports...

Well I keep seeing them, and I keep reporting them...

Good to see sites like yours putting the info out there...

I hope you don't mind but I've subscribed to your site and added to my two blogs 'Personal Paranoai' and 'Strange Corridor'..

This is an excellent site you have here...Keep up the good work!
